Be Inspired and Shine Your Light

By Eric Alexander Crawford

2-minute read


Is it cool, is it comfortable?


When I was doing my theology degree, I learned that there was a major veil that most of us live under.


From a young age, we learn there's safety in the tribe. Don't stick out too much and the tribe will like you (or at least not dislike you too much). But if you stick your head out, or have opinions not aligned with the tribe, or do things particularly outside the norm—then you may get rejected... Or maybe even scarier, you may succeed. Scary stuff.


We all do it. No one is immune.


We all make decisions every day aimed at one particular goal: align with the average tribe member (or maybe just slightly above the others) and don't risk embarrassment, scrutiny, or rejection.


But I believe the question we really need to be asking is: Are we willing to follow where the Spirit leads?


Sometimes freedom and success can be scary too, because the tribe can be jealous, misunderstand the source of your confidence, or put you in the spotlight where you risk embarrassment if you falter.


At the most basic level, following Inspiration means asking if we are willing to be ourselves—and I mean truly be ourselves. By "be ourselves," I mean our spiritual selves. To let our light shine in this physical world while we do physical things and survive in a physical way amongst a physical tribe.


I believe we are here to be who we really are. If we don’t do that, then we’ve lost the plot. If we drown our light in distractions, comfort, or escape, we’ve lost the plot.


I believe we are here to live a very different experience, to grow ever closer to our Source of Inspiration and to be willing to follow, even when it feels scary or risky or inconvenient. In fact, especially at those times.


But most of us feel it's safer just not to risk standing out at all, or we don't think we could pull it off even if we wanted to.


But here's the thing—that's exactly the type of person God loves to inspire and empower: the underdog who doesn’t think they’re special or ready. God says, "Now I have someone I can work with and shine through—if they'll just trust me, and then give me the credit when the spotlight hits them."


Now, of course, that "credit" to God isn't so God can feel like the big-God-on-campus. It's so others can be made aware of that great power of God's inspiration—a power that can transform and empower their lives too. It’s literally being the salt and light of the world.


But it can never happen when we force God's inspiration through a filter of—Is it cool? Is it comfortable? Is it popular? Is it convenient? Will it impress the Joneses next door? Will it make me feel important? Will it impress Mom, my spouse, or the random person at church or school? None of those can be the ultimate reason.
When we force everything through that tribal filter, it just clouds and squelches our inspiration like a heavy, wet blanket. But when we break free and realize we are not here to impress the neighbors, be perceived as cool, or die with the most toys—then we can truly be free.


A sign of being free is you must ask yourself at least once a year (preferably more), "Am I crazy for believing I can do this?" And then ask, "Are all things possible with God?" 🙂


It is hard to imagine any person who has truly followed God's inspiration who doesn’t ask those questions sometimes. They always did in Bible stories—that’s for sure. God doesn’t play in the safe zone.


I believe God wants to do amazing things through you by leveraging your own unique skills and talents right where you are. And whether that leads to worldly acknowledgment doesn’t matter. The point is—did you answer the call?


Following inspiration is usually a little crazy and bold by most of the tribes standards—but so is success, freedom, and impact.


God says, "Throw out those old filters and instead ask: Is it loving? Does it draw others to me? Can my success or action inspire others? Does it feel like the right thing to do? Can it be positively impactful? Do I feel a strange sense of confidence mixed with fear about it?"


In my experience—and from studying many others for years who have followed Inspired callings—this is the fingerprint of God.



🟢⬇️ Next Steps ⬇️🟢

📖 Learn more about Inspiration from this post next.

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